Stay Cool, Feel Cool
  • Saturday to Thursday
  • PO. BOX 2718, Sharjah, UAE

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  • Forane France

  • Refron India

  • Mafron India

  • Honeywell Genetron USA

  • Briton UK

  • Thailand

Refrigerant Gas

All well known brand like Refron India, Mafron India, Honeywell Genetron USA, Briton UK, Forane France, China, Thailand

Refrigerant Types Used in Air Conditioners

In an air conditioning system, it’s time to go over the different types of common refrigerants:

  • Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and R12 - The CFCs were an older and now-defunct type. Since this refrigerant was largely associated with contributing to the greenhouse effect and global warming, its production was entirely ceased back in 1994.
  • Hydro chlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) and R22 - Although considered less damaging than the CFCs and R12, the R22 has nevertheless also been phased out by the EPA in compliance with the Clean Air Act of 2010. This type is expected to completely phase out by 2020.
  • Hydro fluorocarbons (HFCs), R410A and R134 - A safer option than the previous types, the R410A and R134 have no chlorine in the mix and are considered safer for the environment. They are also being used in place of the R22 and aircon units using them are found to be more efficient, reliable and capable of producing better cooling, air quality and comfort.